What Is Seo: Everything You Need To Know About Website Optimization

SEO is a set of digital marketing techniques and strategies to improve the organic position of a website. The optimization techniques (On-Page and Off-Page), together with the user experience, influence the ranking of sites in search results.

But don’t worry because I will start from the beginning explaining with ecommerce seo case study and what this definition of SEO means. You may have noticed that the first search results on Google usually answer perfectly what we type in the search field. Have you ever stopped to think about how this is possible?

What Is Seo?

SEO is a set of digital marketing techniques and strategies to improve the organic position of a website. The optimization techniques (On-Page and Off-Page), together with the user experience, influence the ranking of sites in search results.

In free translation, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) means optimization for search engines. Like Google and Bing, these search engines work to consistently deliver the best results to us and better direct traffic on the internet. Google always wants to make life easier for the user!

Organic Results Vs Paid Ads

A critical point that needs to be explained and fully understood is the difference between an organic result and an advertisement. In short, ads are sponsored (paid) links by companies to appear at the top of search results. It is not possible to pay Google itself to appear in organic search results!

How Search Engines Work

Search engines have two main functions: crawling the Internet and creating an index of results, then presenting users with a ranking list of relevant sites. Always answer the search/question made by the user in the search field.

We put words and terms in the search field, and Google answers us with a ranked ranking of results to solve our problem. Until mid-2002, Google’s algorithm was not very intelligent, and it classified sites and pages considering keywords within the content as a priority.

But that changed with the arrival of the algorithm named Florida (2003); this was the first major update from Google that criticized low-quality sites and used terrible practices. Yes, Google gives strange names to each of its algorithm updates.

Tracking And Creating A Results Index

The first function of search engines is to track the billions of pages, files, documents, news, videos, and other media on the internet.

The ranking of results is a complex structure of ultra-fast calculations that take some crucial criteria into account. The algorithms thoroughly investigate them in a matter of seconds. In this way, these robots receive a command to search the entire network when a keyword is entered; that is, a search is done. They read each line looking for links, related terms, and even textual coherence.

If others recommend your site, it is easy to navigate and has well-designed content, and it has the typical characteristics of a relevant site. Older sites usually have greater relevance precisely because, above all, they are more likely to have high traffic. And don’t forget, the algorithms are optimized every second, and your website needs to adapt at the same rate; otherwise, it will be left behind.

Post Author: Jacob Noah